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Toeplitz matrix completion via a low-rank approximation algorithm.

  • 【作者】Wen, Ruiping,Fu, Yaru
  • 【刊名】Journal of Inequalities & Applications
  • 【作者单位】1 Key Laboratory of Engineering & Computing Science, Shanxi Provincial Department of Education, Taiyuan, P.R. China 2 Department of Mathematics, Taiyuan Normal University, Taiyuan, P.R. China 3 College of Information Technology, The University of Suwon, Hwaseong-si, Republic of Korea 4 School of Mathematics and Statistics, Linyi University, Linyi, P.R. China
  • 【年份】2020
  • 【卷号】Vol.2020 No.1
  • 【页码】1-13
  • 【ISSN】1025-5834
  • 【关键词】Low-rank Matrix completion Mean projection operator Toeplitz matrix 
  • 【摘要】 In this paper, we propose a low-rank matrix approximation algorithm for solving the Toeplitz matrix completion problem. The approximation matrix was obtained by the mean projection operator on the set of feasible Toeplitz matrices for every iteratio...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊