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Catalytic oxidation of biomass to formic acid in aqueous solutions using vanadium-containing catalysts

  • 【作者】MuGe NIU,YuCui HOU,ShuHang REN,WeiZe WU
  • 【刊名】科学通报
  • 【作者单位】State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering College of Chemical Engineering Beijing University of Chemical Technology Beijing 100029 ChinaDepartment of Chemistry Taiyuan Normal University Taiyuan 030031 China
  • 【年份】2015
  • 【卷号】第60卷
  • 【期号】 第16期
  • 【页码】1434-1442
  • 【ISSN】0023-074X
  • 【关键词】biomass NaVO/HSO V-containing heteropoly acid VOSO formic acid catalytic oxidation 
  • 【摘要】 Formic acid is an important material in the chemical industry, and the preparation of FA from biomass could provide a sustainable strategy for the large-scale production of FA. Vanadium -containing catalysts have recently been reported to catalyze t...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊