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Applying the three‐dimensional block‐pulse functions to solve system of Volterra–Hammerstein integral equations

  • 【作者】Jiaquan Xie,Xiaoyuan Gong,Wei Shi,Ruili Li,Weici Zhao,Tao Wang
  • 【刊名】Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
  • 【作者单位】Department of Mathematics, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong, China;School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China;College of Mechanical Engineering, Jinzhong University, Jinzhong, China;School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China;Grade 11, Suzhou North American International High School, Suzhou, China;Grade 11, Suzhou North American International High School, Suzhou, China;Department of Mathematics, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong, China;School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China;Tao Wang, Department of Mathematics, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong 030619, China.
  • 【年份】2020
  • 【卷号】Vol.36 No.6
  • 【页码】1648-1661
  • 【ISSN】1098-2426
  • 【关键词】3D‐BPFs, system of Volterra‐Hammerstein integral equations convergence analysis and error estimation numerical solution operational matrices 
  • 【摘要】 In this paper, a numerical scheme is utilized to solve three‐dimensional nonlinear system of Volterra‐Hammerstein integrals equations, which is based on the three‐dimensional block‐pulse functions and their operational matrices. Then the primary non...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊


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