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On pseudorapidity distribution in p-Pb and Xe–Xe collisions at high energy based on the three-source Landau hydrodynamic model

  • 【作者】Li-Na Gao,Fu-Hu Liu,Zhen-Hu Li,Er-Qin Wang
  • 【刊名】Indian Journal of Physics
  • 【作者单位】1 Department of Physics, Taiyuan Normal University, 030619, Jinzhong, Shanxi, China; 2 Institute of Theoretical Physics and State Key Laboratory of Quantum Optics and Quantum Optics Devices, Shanxi University, 030006, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China; 3 Chemical Research Institute, Yang Quan Coal Industry (GROUP) CO., LTD, 030021, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
  • 【年份】2021
  • 【卷号】Vol.95 No.11
  • 【页码】2423-2430
  • 【ISSN】0973-1458
  • 【关键词】Pseudorapidity distributions Landau hydrodynamic model Speed of sound 
  • 【摘要】 We used the three-source Landau hydrodynamic model to describe the pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles produced in p -Pb collisions and Xe–Xe collisions at LHC energies. The research results fit well with the experimental data which are...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊