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Hydrochemical compositions of natural waters inOrdos Deserts and their influencing factors

  • 【作者】REN Xiaozong , YANG Xiaoping
  • 【刊名】Acta Geographica Sinica
  • 【作者单位】1. School of Geography Science, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong 030619, Shanxi, China ; 2. School of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
  • 【年份】2021
  • 【卷号】Vol.76 No.9
  • 【页码】2224-2239
  • 【ISSN】0375-5444
  • 【关键词】Ordos Deserts natural waters hydrochemical composition influencing factor 
  • 【摘要】 The analysis of hydrochemical compositions of natural waters and their influencing factors is helpful to understand the regional hydrogeological environment and hydrogeochemical development history. The Ordos Deserts, consisting mainly of the Mu Us S...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊