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Assessing the eco-efficiency of a circular economy system in China\'s coal mining areas: Emergy and data envelopment analysis.

  • 【作者】Liu, Xiuli,Guo, Pibin,Guo, Shufeng
  • 【刊名】Journal of Cleaner Production
  • 【作者单位】1 Cooperative Innovation Center for Transition of Resource-based Economies, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan 030006, China 2 Research Institute of Resource-based Economic Transformation and Development, Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, Taiyuan, 030006, China 3 Department of Economics, Taiyuan Normal University, Jingzhong 030619, China
  • 【年份】2019
  • 【卷号】Vol.206
  • 【页码】1101-1109
  • 【ISSN】0959-6526
  • 【关键词】COAL mining *GREENHOUSE effect *PRODUCTION *DATA envelopment analysis *SUSTAINABLE development 
  • 【摘要】 Improving the eco-efficiency of the circular economy system in mining areas has been recognized as the most effective way to reduce the greenhouse effect and achieve sustainable development. Based on the emergy theory and on data envelopment analysis...
  • 【文献类型】 期刊